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Holistic Healing Therapy

Meet Jason Dean, who’s on a mission in Slovakia to educate and inspire people from all walks of life about the health benefits of ancient Daoist practices, TaiJiQuan and QiGong.

Jason is now offering private therapies to help clients with their health issues in preventative, chronic, and acute stages. The Philosophy of Daoist medicine revolves around balancing the physical body, the conscious mind, and the energy body, which are referred to as ‘Earth,’ ‘Man,’ and ‘Heaven’ in Chinese texts.

Jason’s unique therapy method brings your body back into balance and activates your body’s innate self-healing ability. Self-healing is your birthright as a human being, and this therapy facilitates that process.

The therapy techniques have their roots in ancient Chinese healing methodologies. Each private session begins with a movement diagnostic of your body, followed by treatments that speed up your body’s healing potential. This process balances the nervous system, muscle structures, and harmonizes organ meridians.

Upon completion of each therapy session, specific activities will be recommended to continue the healing process at home, using the knowledge gained about oneself during the therapy.

Attendance to QiGong and TaiChi classes is highly recommended to complement the therapies, and some may even consider it an essential part of the healing process.

Introducing Key Kinetics Therapy, a method to restore balance to your muscles and remove blockages from your organ meridians.

During the therapy session, we manually update your body’s nervous system “software” to help alleviate acute and chronic pain, or simply to optimize your body’s performance.

Our focus during treatment is on balancing muscle-tension relationships, relaxing ambient muscle tension, and adjusting joint positions through muscle-tension modulation. Jason will guide you through the process, which is usually easier than it sounds.

This therapy has been highly successful in treating chronic and acute pain in the back, cervical spine, hip joints, emotional and organ diseases, and is perfect for improving sports performance.

If any problems persist after balancing the musculoskeletal system, we turn our attention to the deeper flow of Qi and any persistent blockages within your body’s energetic pathways, known as organ meridians. Contributing factors to blockages may include postural, nutritional, emotional, neurovascular, lymphatic, toxification, and radiation. We use specific muscle testing to identify the root cause of the problem and derive ongoing solutions.

As we remove blockages during the re-calibration process, your body may immediately recognise the newly acquired balance and lead you into a spontaneous self-healing process, promoting a return to full health.

This treatment is suitable for dealing with emotional issues, organ diseases, exhaustion, stress, viral diseases, various metabolic diseases, autoimmune diseases, hormonal disorders, infertility, and other ailments.

Introducing Spontaneous Self-Healing QiGong Therapy

Discover an ancient and effective form of therapy that can be experienced privately or in a dynamic group setting during one of my regular QiGong Healing classes. With Spontaneous Self-Healing QiGong Therapy, the client gives permission to their body to resolve its own issues.

After physical and mental preparation and a boost of circulating energy from the therapist, the client allows spontaneous biomechanical movements of their own body to perform the therapy. Under the therapist’s close observation and supervision, blockages are removed and a smooth flow of circulating energies is restored to the physical body.

This therapy is beneficial for general illnesses and has even been successfully used to treat deep-seated issues like terminal cancer.

As this process goes through several stages of physical, mental, and energetic transformation, it may require multiple sessions to restore the individual to full health.

Treatment Sessions and Recommendations

For Key Kinetics Therapy and Spontaneous Self-Healing QiGong Therapy, each treatment session lasts 60 minutes. It is highly recommended to have a minimum of 4 sessions to allow the body time to acclimatise and integrate the adjustments made during the therapy.

Deeper or more persistent issues may require additional sessions to restore the body to its optimal state. Let’s work together to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment and achieve long-lasting results.